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  • Perforación en aguas profundas: el futuro de la exploración petrolera

    La perforación en aguas profundas vuelve a ser el centro de atención, con avances significativos y un renovado interés en regiones como el Golfo de México, Guyana y Namibia. Después de años de desempeñar un papel secundario ante el auge del esquisto, este sector se está convirtiendo en un actor clave para satisfacer las demandas energéticas mundiales, impulsado por los avances tecnológicos y la desaceleración del ritmo de producción de esquisto. Por qué la perforación en aguas profundas vuelve a ser el centro de atención Los expertos predicen que la demanda de petróleo seguirá aumentando hasta finales de la década, lo que creará un vacío que los proyectos en aguas profundas están en una posición única para llenar. John Hess, director ejecutivo de Hess Corporation, enfatizó este punto, señalando que a medida que la producción de esquisto madure, los recursos de aguas profundas serán fundamentales para sostener el suministro mundial de petróleo durante los próximos cinco a diez años, informó Argus . Proyectos clave que moldean el futuro En el Golfo de México, se espera que proyectos como Shenandoah, Whale, Anchor y Ballymore aumenten significativamente la capacidad en 2025, revirtiendo una disminución proyectada en 2024. Chevron, uno de los actores más importantes de la región, planea aumentar su producción en un 50%, alcanzando los 300.000 barriles por día para 2026. La reciente puesta en marcha de la plataforma semisumergible Whale e innovaciones como la perforación a presión ultra alta en Anchor resaltan el potencial de esta región para liderar los avances en aguas profundas. Perforación en aguas profundas Las innovaciones tecnológicas impulsan el crecimiento La perforación en aguas profundas se beneficia de nuevas tecnologías, como el bombeo y la compresión submarinos, que permiten acceder a reservas que antes eran inalcanzables. Estos avances no solo aumentan la eficiencia, sino que también reducen los costos, lo que permite a las empresas desarrollar grandes proyectos en alta mar como la participación de Hess en Guyana. Desafíos y oportunidades Si bien los proyectos en aguas profundas ofrecen un potencial inmenso, persisten desafíos. El arbitraje sobre la participación de Hess en el descubrimiento offshore de Guyana destaca la naturaleza competitiva del sector. Sin embargo, los líderes de la industria como Chevron son optimistas sobre su posición, lo que refuerza la creciente importancia de la perforación en aguas profundas para el futuro de la energía global. Mirando hacia el futuro Con un ciclo de producción más largo en comparación con el esquisto, la perforación en aguas profundas ofrece una solución estable y escalable para satisfacer las demandas futuras de energía. Combinado con cambios de política, como las posibles ventas de arrendamientos offshore en los EE. UU., el sector está preparado para un crecimiento significativo. Para los trabajadores y los responsables de la toma de decisiones en la industria del petróleo y el gas, este renovado enfoque en la perforación en aguas profundas abre nuevas oportunidades y destaca la importancia de mantenerse a la vanguardia en este mercado en evolución. Esta reactivación señala un capítulo emocionante para la perforación en aguas profundas, donde la innovación y la colaboración desempeñarán papeles fundamentales a la hora de dar forma al futuro de la industria.

  • Explorando revestimientos (liners) para bombas de lodos

    Los revestimientos de bombas de lodos son componentes cruciales en la industria de perforación de petróleo y gas, ya que influyen directamente en la eficiencia, durabilidad y rendimiento general. Elegir el revestimiento adecuado requiere comprender los tipos disponibles en el mercado y sus características específicas. Aquí exploraremos tres tipos populares de revestimientos— File Hard Liner , High Chrome Sleeve Liner  y Ceramic/Zirconia Liner —y sus aplicaciones, para ayudarte a determinar cuál es el más adecuado para tus operaciones. File Hard Liner: fiable y económico Dureza del Interior:  58-62 (escala Rockwell) Presión Máxima:  Hasta 7,500 psi Rango de Temperatura:  20°F a 230°F Tolerancia al Sulfuro de Hidrógeno:  22 ppm Vida Útil:  600 a 800 horas Los File Hard Liners  son conocidos por su relación costo-beneficio y rendimiento sólido en condiciones de perforación moderadas. Funcionan bien en operaciones donde la exposición a altas temperaturas y productos químicos es limitada. Aunque su vida útil es más corta en comparación con otros revestimientos, su asequibilidad los hace una opción popular para proyectos con presupuesto limitado. File hard liner High Chrome Sleeve Liner: Duradero y Eficiente Dureza del Interior:  62-69 (escala Rockwell) Presión Máxima:  Hasta 7,500 psi Rango de Temperatura:  20°F a 240°F Tolerancia al Sulfuro de Hidrógeno:  22 ppm Vida Útil:  Más de 800 horas Los High Chrome Sleeve Liners  ofrecen una durabilidad superior, lo que los convierte en una excelente opción para aplicaciones que requieren mayor resistencia al desgaste y la corrosión. Estos revestimientos son ideales para operaciones con fluidos abrasivos o ciclos de perforación prolongados, proporcionando una vida útil más larga y reduciendo el tiempo de inactividad. Ceramic/Zirconia Liner: La Cima del Rendimiento Dureza del Interior:  92-94 (escala Rockwell) Presión Máxima:  Hasta 7,500 psi Rango de Temperatura:  20°F a 350°F Tolerancia al Sulfuro de Hidrógeno:  24 ppm Los Ceramic/Zirconia Liners  representan el pináculo de la tecnología de revestimientos. Con una dureza y resistencia inigualables a temperaturas extremas y exposición química, estos revestimientos son perfectos para entornos exigentes, incluidas operaciones de alta presión y temperatura. Aunque tienen un costo más alto, su excepcional vida útil y confiabilidad pueden reducir significativamente los costos de mantenimiento a largo plazo. ¿Cuál es el Mejor Revestimiento? La respuesta depende de tus necesidades específicas de perforación: Para proyectos con presupuestos ajustados : Los File Hard Liners son una solución rentable. Para operaciones prolongadas con desafíos moderados : Los High Chrome Sleeve Liners ofrecen durabilidad y eficiencia de costos. Para condiciones extremas : Los Ceramic/Zirconia Liners proporcionan el máximo rendimiento, minimizando el tiempo de inactividad y maximizando la eficiencia operativa. Al comprender las fortalezas y aplicaciones de cada tipo, puedes tomar una decisión informada y optimizar tus operaciones de perforación. nvertir en el revestimiento adecuado garantiza ahorros a largo plazo, menos tiempo de inactividad y un mejor rendimiento general.

  • “Drill, baby, drill”.- Presidente Donald Trump

    El plan energético del Presidente Donald Trump, presentado el lunes, hace hincapié en impulsar la producción de combustibles fósiles en Estados Unidos al declarar una Emergencia Energética Nacional y proponer la expansión de la infraestructura energética para satisfacer la creciente demanda, en particular de las tecnologías emergentes, con información de Reuters. 1. Declaración de Emergencia Energética Nacional Trump planea declarar una emergencia energética nacional para impulsar la producción de combustibles fósiles. Esta declaración priorizaría la expansión de la producción de petróleo y gas de Estados Unidos y la modernización de la infraestructura energética. 2. Aumento de la producción de petróleo y gas Trump enfatizó que los niveles de producción actuales, aunque altos, podrían ser incluso mayores sin las iniciativas ambientales introducidas bajo Biden. 3. Fin de las subastas de arrendamiento de parques eólicos Trump tiene la intención de dejar de arrendar tierras federales para el desarrollo de parques eólicos a gran escala, argumentando que los combustibles fósiles deberían tener prioridad sobre los proyectos de energía renovable. 4. Centrarse en el dominio de los combustibles fósiles Con el lema “Perfora, nena, perfora”, Trump subrayó su objetivo de maximizar el uso de los recursos de combustibles fósiles de Estados Unidos para fortalecer la economía y reducir la dependencia de fuentes de energía extranjeras. 5. Recarga de la reserva estratégica de petróleo Trump pretende recargar la Reserva Estratégica de Petróleo, que Biden agotó después de vender 180 millones de barriles para controlar los precios de la gasolina. Este plan podría aumentar la demanda de petróleo crudo estadounidense y potencialmente elevar los precios del petróleo. 6. Promover el desarrollo energético en Alaska El plan incluye abrir Alaska a un mayor desarrollo de petróleo y gas, un área que ha sido debatida durante mucho tiempo debido a las preocupaciones ambientales y el potencial de recursos. 7. Revertir las políticas de vehículos eléctricos y energía limpia Trump planea derogar los mandatos de Biden sobre vehículos eléctricos (VE), los subsidios para tecnologías de energía limpia y los estándares de emisiones más estrictos para los fabricantes de automóviles. Esto indica un alejamiento del apoyo a las energías renovables y los VE. 8. Abordar la creciente demanda de energía Trump enfatizó la necesidad de modernizar la infraestructura eléctrica de Estados Unidos para satisfacer la creciente demanda de energía, en particular de los centros de datos y las tecnologías de inteligencia artificial, que podrían consumir hasta el 12% de la electricidad del país en los próximos años. 9. Revertir las regulaciones ambientales La propuesta tiene como objetivo eliminar las restricciones ambientales en las plantas de energía, los oleoductos y los proyectos de transmisión, que según Trump han ralentizado la producción de energía. Lo que esto significa para la industria petrolera Las políticas propuestas por Trump reflejan un giro significativo hacia la priorización de los combustibles fósiles sobre la energía renovable. Si se promulgan, estos cambios podrían crear más oportunidades para los trabajadores de las plataformas petroleras al aumentar la demanda de crudo estadounidense y expandir la capacidad de producción. Sin embargo, también pueden enfrentar desafíos legales por parte de grupos ambientalistas. “Drill, baby, drill”.- Presidente Donald Trump

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  • American Mud Pumps | Pistons, Valves and Liners | Houston, TX

    ¡Ofrecemos la mejor calidad y experiencia en bombas de lodo dentro de la industria! American Mud Pumps LLC (AMP) es una empresa que nació como resultado de la reestructuración de una de las empresas de servicios petroleros más grandes del mundo que había decidido no participar en el apoyo a sus propias líneas de productos y clientes de bombas de lodo. American Mud Pumps decidió intervenir para llenar este vacío suministrando repuestos y consumibles para bombas de lodo, brindando servicios de inspección y reacondicionamiento con la misma calidad superior que los OEM, ¡pero con la mejor respuesta y los mejores precios del mercado! We are American Mud Pumps Houston, Tx. MUD PUMP PARTS & EXPENDABLES Liners, Valves, Pistons, Fluid ends and more MUD PUMP SERVICES Inspection, Repairs and Overhaul Services MUD PUMP EQUIPMENT High Performance mud pumps Latest News Stay up to date with American Mud Pumps American Mud Pumps hace 10 horas 2 Min. de lectura Noticias de la industria petrolera “Drill, baby, drill”.- Presidente Donald Trump American Mud Pumps hace 5 días 2 Min. de lectura Industria Petrolera Upstream Las bombas de lodos se están adaptando a la perforación en entornos extremos, ¿cómo? American Mud Pumps hace 6 días 2 Min. de lectura Noticias de la industria petrolera El crudo Bretaña de Perú gana impulso en el mercado estadounidense American Mud Pumps hace 7 días 2 Min. de lectura Noticias de la industria petrolera Plaquemines LNG impulsa las exportaciones a EE.UU. con su primer envío Top Quality " At our company, we take pride in offering only the finest quality parts to our customers. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every product we sell meets rigorous standards for durability, performance, and reliability. When you choose our parts, you’re choosing reliability and peace of mind " Mary Brinkman Operations Manager Suscríbete a nuestro Newsletter Quiero suscribirme al Newsletter. Enviar ¡Gracias!

  • Why Us? | American Mud Pumps

    Masters of the Craft Introducing our High-Performance Mud Pumps ¡Ofrecemos la mejor calidad y experiencia en bombas de lodo dentro de la industria! American Mud Pumps LLC (AMP) es una empresa que nació como resultado de la reestructuración de una de las empresas de servicios petroleros más grandes del mundo que había decidido no participar en el apoyo a sus propias líneas de productos y clientes de bombas de lodo. American Mud Pumps decidió intervenir para llenar este vacío suministrando repuestos y consumibles para bombas de lodo, brindando servicios de inspección y reacondicionamiento con la misma calidad superior que los OEM, ¡pero con la mejor respuesta y los mejores precios del mercado! Triplex mud pumps MUD PUMP TRIPLEX Long-lasting and superior functionality Explore more American Mud Pumps® delivers seamless Triplex performance with superior efficiency. Our pumps feature a high-performance power end, fabricated from steel and equipped with steel herringbone gears. Additionally, anti-friction roller bearings are incorporated throughout for enhanced durability. The robust engineering of our pumps ensures maximum efficiency within a compact footprint. Our pumps are designed with flexibility and adaptability in mind. Their lightweight construction allows for easy integration into various rig configurations and drilling requirements. Regardless of changing conditions, our pumps maintain their efficiency, making them a reliable choice for your operations MUD PUMP QUINTUPLEX Outstanding performance in tough situations. Experience unparalleled performance and efficiency with our quintuplex pumps, designed to bring exceptional value to contractors. Our robust engineering is adaptable to a variety of drilling requirements and fluctuating conditions, guaranteeing dependable outcomes across diverse scenarios. With advanced technology and sturdy construction at its core, our product stands as a versatile and reliable choice for field contractors Explore more WELL SERVICE AND FRAC PUMPS Exceptional performance under challenging conditions American Mud Pumps® is your trusted partner for high-efficiency Well & Frac pumps, designed for seamless performance in fracturing and well service operations. Our innovative engineering approach reduces mud noise by 70%, outperforming conventional triplex drilling pumps without the need for dampeners. We offer versatile solutions with both twin drive and single drive options, catering to a wide range of drilling operations on land and offshore. Among our offerings is the AMP-T3000, a top-rated triplex pump specifically designed for well service operations Explore more

  • List Fluid End Parts & Expendables | American Mud Pumps

    Por qué American Mud Pumps? Experiencia de uno de los mayores fabricantes de bombas de lodo OEM. Nuestros procesos fueron diseñados en base a los mejores estándares y Lean & Sigma para brindar calidad superior, precios competitivos y la mejor experiencia a nuestros clientes. Ventajas Competitivas 6 ¼ "× 7" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National 7-P-50 Ventajas Competitivas 6 ½" × 8 ½" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 4" A-0256-40HP A-0256-40Z A-272 4 ½ " A-0256-44HP A-0256-44Z A-274 5" A-0256-50HP A-0256-50Z A-276 5 ½ " A-0256-54HP A-0256-54Z A-278 5 ¾ " A-0256-56HP A-0256-56Z - 6" A-0256-60HP A-0256-60Z A-280 6 ¼ " A-0256-62HP A-0256-62Z A-268 6 ½ " A-0256-64HP A-0256-64Z A-268 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-6-EH A-6-V1 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-6-EH-HT A-6-V1-HT VALVE SEAT A-6ADD-B4 A-6-S4 VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 INSERT-URETHANE A-6-WI A-6-WI INSERT-URETHANE HT A-6-WI-HT A-6-WI-HT SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head PULLER ASSEMBLY * A-1700 A-1700 PULLER HEAD A-1700-6 A-6-PH PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT 4 ½ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 5 ½ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5 ¾ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 6 ¼ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-B15 A-62B-KIT LL-62-B15 LLU-62-B15 LLU-62-B15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1291277 A-1291083 A-1291085 A-1291276 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-768Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National 8-P-80 FEEP-National 9-P-100 Ventajas Competitivas 6 ¾" × 9" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 4" A-0255-40HP A-0255-40Z A-274 4 ½ " A-0255-44HP A-0255-44Z A-274 5" A-0255-50HP A-0255-50Z A-265 5 ½ " A-0255-54HP A-0255-54Z A-263 5 ¾ " A-0255-56HP A-0255-56Z - 6" A-0255-60HP A-0255-60Z A-261 6 ¼ " A-0255-62HP A-0255-62Z A-283 6 ½ " A-0255-64HP A-0255-64Z A-768R 6 ¾ " A-0255-66HP A-0255-66Z A-287 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-6-EH A-6-V1 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-6-EH-HT A-6-V1-HT VALVE SEAT A-6-ADD-B4 A-6-S4 VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 INSERT-URETHANE A-6-WI A-6-FI INSERT-URETHAN HT A-6-WI-HT A-6-FI-HT SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head PULLER ASSEMBLY * A-1700 A-1700 PULLER HEAD A-1700-6 A-6-PH PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT 4 ½ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 5 ½ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5 ¾ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 6 ¼ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-B15 A-62B-KIT LL-62-B15 LLU-62-B15 LLU-62-B15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Title Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1291277 A-1291083 A-1291085 A-1291276 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National 10-P-130 Ventajas Competitivas 6 ¾ " × 10" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 4" A-0255-40HP A-0255-40Z A-274 4 ½ " A-0255-44HP A-0255-44Z A-274 5" A-0255-50HP A-0255-50Z A-265 5 ½ " A-0255-54HP A-0255-54Z A-263 5 ¾ " A-0255-56HP A-0255-56Z - 6" A-0255-60HP A-0255-60Z A-261 6 ¼ " A-0255-62HP A-0255-62Z A-283 6 ½ " A-0255-64HP A-0255-64Z A-768R 6 ¾ " A-0255-66HP A-0255-66Z A-287 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-6-EH A-6-V1 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-6-EH-HT A-6-V1-HT VALVE SEAT A-6ADD-B4 A-6-S4 VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 INSERT-URETHANE A-6-WI A-6-FI INSERT-URETHAN HT A-6-WI-HT A-6-FI-HT SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head PULLER ASSEMBLY * A-1700 A-1700 PULLER HEAD A-1700-6 A-6-PH PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT 4 ½ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 5 ½ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5 ¾ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 6 ¼ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6 ½ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-64-L15 A-64L-KIT LL-64-L15 LLU-64-L15 LLU-64-L15-HT 6 ¾ " 1½” & 1⅝” I-66-L15 A-66L-KIT LL-66-L15 LLU-66-L15 LLU-66-L15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1290347 A-1290083 A-1290085 A-1290346 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-768Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National 12-P-160 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½ " × 12" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National 14-P-220 Ventajas Competitivas 9 " × 14" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National -JWS-165L Ventajas Competitivas 4 ½ " × 5" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National -JWS-400 Ventajas Competitivas 6" × 8 ½" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National -C-250 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ¼" × 15" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National -C-350 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ¾" × 18" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National -K-380 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ¼" × 14" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-National -K-500A Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½" ×15" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules Ventajas Competitivas 6 ¾" × 7" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EMSCO-F350 Ventajas Competitivas 6 ¾" × 7" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EMSCO-F500 Ventajas Competitivas 6 ¾" × 8" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EMSCO-F650 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 9” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EMSCO-F800 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 10" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EMSCO-F1000 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 12" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EMSCO-FB-1300 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 12" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EMSCO-FB-1600 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½ " × 14" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EMSCO-D-300-500 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½" × 14" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EMSCO-D-375 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½" × 16" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EMSCO-D-550-700 Ventajas Competitivas 5" × 8" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-Gardner-Denver-Tee Ventajas Competitivas 5" × 8" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-Gardner-Denver-PAH Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 12" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-Gardner-Denver-PZL Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 7" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-Gardner-Denver-PZ-7 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 8" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-Gardner-Denver-PZ-8 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 9" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-Gardner-Denver-PZ-9 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 10" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-Gardner-Denver-PZ-10 Ventajas Competitivas 7” × 11” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-Gardner-Denver-PZ-11 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½" × 14" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-Gardner-Denver-FXK-FXN Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½" × 14" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-Gardner-Denver-Pee-5 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 8" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-IDECO-T-500 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 9" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-IDECO-T-800 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 10" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-IDECO-T-1000 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½ " × 12” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-IDECO-T-1300 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½ " × 12” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-IDECO-T-1600 Ventajas Competitivas 7” × 8” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-OILWELL A-350-PT Ventajas Competitivas 7” × 8” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-OILWELL A-600-PT Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½” × 9” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-OILWELL A-850-PT Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½” × 10” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-OILWELL A-1100-PT Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½” × 10” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-OILWELL A-1400-PT Ventajas Competitivas 7 ½” × 12” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-OILWELL A-1700-PT Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 12" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-OPI-350D Ventajas Competitivas 7” × 8” LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-OPI-700-HDL Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 12" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-OPI-1000-HDL Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 12" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-BOMCO-F-1600 Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 12" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-LS 3NB1300C Ventajas Competitivas 7" × 12" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-LS 3NB1600 Ventajas Competitivas 7 ¼" ×15" LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-IDECO MM 550-600-700 Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-SKYTOP BREWSTER B-1000T-1100T Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-SKYTOP BREWSTER B-1300T-1600T Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-SKYTOP BREWSTER B-550F Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EW-440 Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EW-446 Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-EW-447 Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-LEWCO 15W-600-GA-550 Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-LEWCO 9W-1000 Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-WILSON 600 Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-GASO 1740-1742 Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-GASO 1743 Ventajas Competitivas - LINERS & LINERS SEALS Size High Chrome Ceramic Zirconia Liner Seal 6 ¼” A-0257-62HP A-0257-62Z A-268 6" A-0257-60HP A-0257-60Z A-280 5 ¾” A-0257-56HP A-0257-56Z - 5 ½” A-0257-54HP A-0257-54Z A-278 5” A-0257-50HP A-0257-50Z A-276 4 ½” A-0257-44HP A-0257-44Z A-274 4" A-0257-40HP A-0257-40Z A-272 VALVES, SEATS, SPRINGS & INSERTS Style 4 Web Full Open PULLER HEAD A-1700-5 A-5-PH PULLER ASSEMBLY* A-1700 A-1700 SEAT PULLER ASSEMBLY *Does not include puller head INSERT-URETHANE HT A-5-WI-HT A-5-FI-HT INSERT-URETHANE A-5-WI A-5-FI VALVE SPRING A-5710-115 A-5710-115 VALVE SEAT A-5DD-B3 A-5-S3 VALVE ASSY-URETHANE HT A-U5-B5-HT A-5-V1-HT VALVE ASSY-URETHANE A-U5-B5 A-5-V1 PISTONS Size BORE HUB Ǿ SIZE REPLACEABLE RUBBER PISTON ASSY PISTON REPLACEMENT RUBBER KIT BONDED RUBBER PISTON ASSY SINGLE DUROMETER URETHANE BONDED URETHANE BONDED HIGH TEMP. 6 ¼” 1½” & 1⅝” I-62-L15 A-62L-KIT LL-62-L15 LLU-62-L15 LLU-62-L15-HT 6" 1½” & 1⅝” I-60-B15 A-60B-KIT LL-60-B15 LLU-60-B15 LLU-60-B15-HT 5 ¾” 1½” & 1⅝” I-56-B15 A-56B-KIT LL-56-B15 LLU-56-B15 LLU-56-B15-HT 5 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-54-B15 A-54B-KIT LL-54-B15 LLU-54-B15 LLU-54-B15-HT 5" 1½” & 1⅝” I-50-B15 A-50B-KIT LL-50-B15 LLU-50-B15 LLU-50-B15-HT 4 ½” 1½” & 1⅝” I-44-B15 A-44B-KIT LL-44-B15 LLU-44-B15 LLU-44-B15-HT 4" 1½” & 1⅝” I-40-K15 A-40K-KIT LL-40-K15 LLU-40-K15 LLU-40-K15-HT PISTON RODS, EXTENSION RODS & ACCESSORIES Diameter Piston Rod Extension Rod Rod Clamp Sub Rod Piston Rod Nut 1⅝” A-1294147 A-1294083 A-1294085 A-1294146 A-50V14 GASKET Valve Cover Gasket Cylinder Head Gasket A-788Z - < Back to modules FEEP-GASO 2652 Warranty: American Mud Pumps LLC: warrants its products to be free from defects in material and/or workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. The liability for any defects shall be limited to the repair or replacement of such products, or at the option of American Mud Pumps LLC the refunding of the purchase price. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties and representations, expressed or implied, and all other obligations or liabilities on the part of American Mud Pumps LLC, which shall not be liable for consequential damages for any breach of warranty." Disclaimers. American Mud Pumps LLC is a quality independent company. We are neither a licensee nor affiliated with any other original equipment manufacturer (OEM) which may be named throughout. The manufacturers' names or trademarks used herein are solely for identification purposes and are not intended by American Mud Pumps LLC to cause confusion as to the source, sponsorship or quality of the parts provided by American Mud Pumps LLC. The OEMs named throughout this catalogue do not sponsor, promote, warranty or endorse American Mud Pumps LLC products. Part number usage is for identification purposes only."

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