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American Mud Pumps® provides smooth Triplex performance and high efficiency. High-performance steel fabricated power end with steel herringbone gears. Also, anti-friction roller bearings throughout. Its strong engineering provides a higher efficiency in less space.

The pump’s light weight and flexible design make it easily adaptable to a variety of rig configurations and drilling requirements and conditions changes throughout. Its strong engineering provides a higher efficiency in less space



    ● Minimum weight/maximum performance with continuous duty life expectancy.

    ● High performance high strength steel fabricated power end with steel herringbone gears.

    ● Anti-friction roller bearings throughout.

    ● High strength structural steel frames.

    ● Forged steel eccentric crankshaft.

    ● Double (redundant) failsafe internal lube system.

    ● Metal to metal liner lock.

    ● High capacity liner wash system.

Technical specification data

Input horsepower rating​
Pump speed​
Stroke length​
Maximum piston size​
Fluid end working pressure rating​
Discharge connection size​
Suction connection size​
Crankcase oil capacity​
Liner wash capacity​
Internal gear ratio​
Pump weight complete (Less skid)​
Overall dimensions (L x W x H)​

5,000 Psi​
4.00” Flange​
8.00” Flange​
55 Gallons​
60 Gallons​
4.76: 1​
13,800 Lbs​
120” X 57.43” X 48.93”​

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