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American Mud Pumps® provides smooth quintuplex performance and high efficiency pumps, for continuous duty rated drilling and workover operations. ​

The pump’s light weight and flexible design make it easily adaptable to a variety of rig configurations and drilling requirements and conditions changes throughout. ​



    ● Minimum weight/maximum performance with continuous duty life expectancy.​

    ● 33% increase in MWD/LWD frequency bandwidth. ​

    ● 66% increase in the MWD/LWD data transfer rate.​

    ● Four main bearing design eliminates crankshaft deflection. ​

    ● High performance structural steel fabricated power end.​

    ● Anti-friction roller bearings throughout.​

    ● Forged steel eccentric crankshaft.​

    ● Double (redundant) failsafe internal lube system. ​

    ● Metal to metal liner lock.​

Technical specification data

Input horsepower rating
Pump speed
Stroke length
Maximum piston size
Fluid end working pressure rating
Discharge connection size
Suction connection size
Crankcase oil capacity
Linerwash capacity
External gear ratio (other ratios available)
Pump weight complete (Less skid)
Overall dimensions (L x W x H)

7,500 Psi
4.00” Flange
6.00”/8.00” Flange
90 Gallons
60 Gallons
4.61: 1
11,200 Lbs
86.31” X 80.68” X 36”

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